Saturday, June 21, 2008

Thoughts on Leadership

I have had the good fortune to work with many so-called leaders. College presidents, politicians, administrators, musicians. I have taken lessons away from each of them, and I ready to begin developing a model of good leadership. I've had the chance to see what works, what doesn't...what motivates, what denegrates.

1. Hire good people and let them do the jobs you've assigned them. Trust their judgement until you've been given reason not to. Defend them against nay-sayers, protect their interests, treat them like the valuable individuals they are.

2. Provide more information than you want to give. I've never seen anything negative happen from people having too much truthful information. By keeping your team and those they affect in the loop and updated, you provide them the tools they need to do their jobs, represent the company or organization's interests and succeed. Always return calls and make quick contacts.

3. Look for the positive in people and make a concerted and planned effort to reward it. Good leaders don't get involved every time someone makes a mistake. They don't unload on their team. Good leaders seek out success and make sure it's rewarded - a kind of positive reinforcement. A good leader will correct behavior or actions, not criticize people.

4. Take a personal interest in the lives of your team. Value your family and make sure it's okay for your team to value theirs. Set limits on "workaholism" and force your team to live within those limits. Be healthy, and give your team every tool you can provide to allow them to be well in body, mind and spirit.

5. Remember your promises. Leaders speak with multitudes of people everyday and they make requests, promises, and action calls. Leaders say they'll "look into that" or "do some research" or "pass the issue to so-and-so." What leaders forget is that the people with whom they speak only talk to one leader that day, and they remember every word the leader says. Perhaps leaders need a notebook or a voice recorder so they remember what they promise people.

I'm sure this list will get longer and will be amended. I hope I can emulate the qualities of the great leaders with whom I've worked and improve upon the weaker qualities of others.

Until next time - JF