Friday, January 4, 2008

The Night I Almost Became a Democrat (Almost)

For all the other political junkies out there, you know that last night were the Iowa Caucuses, the official beginning of the Presidential Election of 2008. It's such an odd occurrence, really, but quite fitting. A caucus is not an election. You and your neighbors head down to the nearest church or school and you go and publicly stand for your candidate in their respective corners of the room. You're counted up and the process continues. There's no secret ballot, and your neighbors are free to influence you to come over to their side of the room.

In a world so inundated with modern technology - wireless networking, digital music, high definition - the most powerful nation in the world begins selecting its president by asking a bunch of mid-westerners to go stand in the corner.

But how fitting...that a nation built not on governments, but on people, not on parties, but on personalities...that this nation begins its election with real people and real personalities interacting with each other to choose a candidate. It was so striking to watch this event unfold. On the surface - it's an election. But it's so much more - it's a sacred process that has upheld America for over 200 years. The United States of America is choosing its next President - the next leader of the free world.

And who did Iowa choose - a Southern Baptist preacher-turned-politician and a junior senator from the midwest.

Only in America.

Now - about me almost becoming a democrat. Go and read or, preferably, watch Barack Obama's address after the results came in. He walked on to the stage, stood tall, presidential, and delivered the most beautiful speech on the politics of hope, reconciliation, justice, and inspiration. Expertly crafted and expertly delivered - I thought to myself...he could be my President. Congratulations to Mr. Obama.

Of course, these feelings were short lived once I remembered that he supports huge expansion of government to take care of people's problems. Which means a huge expansion of taxes. And he wants to waltz around the world with the most demonic dictators and start talking and negotiating. If anybody can appreciate new vision and hope, I do - but there is a difference between positive change and lofty visions - and robbing the American people of their hard-earned money and naively making deals with dictators. Perhaps Mr. Obama should justify for those of us who haven't yet decided on a candidate how he can say he wants to raise wages and increase jobs, but then take away all the new earnings in taxes to pay for his planned outlandish government expansion.

Like I said - I almost became a Democrat. Whew - close call!

Until next time,