Wednesday, August 13, 2008

He Looks Different Today

I am watching Senator John McCain's press conference on the Georgia-Russia conflict. He looks different today.

The John McCain I have seen in the past months has disappointed me. His seeming lack of message has opened up my already damaged Republican Party to even more attack by the eloquent but ghastly unprepared and ineffective Democratic leadership. I admit that I was disappointed that John McCain was the nominee for the Republican Party. But he looks different today.

The backdrop for his conference is a blue curtain, with the American flag, golden tassles included, on his left and the Executive Seal of the United States, arrows and olive branches displayed, on his right. His suit is plain black, with a solid blue shirt and striped tye. His jaw is tense, his eyebrows are furrowed, his face is solemn, but his eyes have a new focus. He looks different today.

His opening statement was strong, straight-forward, direct. There is no question where he stands. He is clearly supporting Georgia as a democratically elected government. He says that we must act in the best interest of America and of democracy around the world. Maybe John McCain is a real Republican. He is speaking of long-term consequences for Russia's actions. He looks like a President. He looks different today.

I can hear two messages from the Senator during this conference. He is most concerned for democracy. He is expressing empathy for the human cost of the conflict. He will work to protect democracy. His second point is the rejection of politics within the situation. When asked repeatedly about Senator Obama's response to McCain's strong, initial statement, Mr. McCain dismisses all political talk for the sake of those involved in the conflict. He is quick to remain on message. He looks different today.

John McCain is moving quickly between reporters, answering questions quickly and succinctly. The graphic on his "McCain-sized podium" says very eloquently: "Country First."

I like John McCain. I have seen for the first time today his possibility, his potential. It's there. Today he looked not as if he was moving without purpose from event to event. Today he looked like he wanted it, bad. Today he looked like a leader of the American people, the American military, the American cause.

He looked different today. He looked like the President of the United States.

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